All Farrell Diesel Service pumps are completely rebuilt with new gaskets & seals, inspected, calibrated to customer specs, and come with flow sheet and build sheet. Only genuine Bosch parts are used. (14mm and 16mm are European sourced aftermarket pieces)
***Core policy***
-All prices listed are now exchange prices (price if Farrell Diesel receives the applicable/ complete and usable core pump).
-Stage 1 and 2 pumps will have a $550 core charge (for 160hp and 175hp core pumps)
-Stage 3 to 11 pumps will have a $750 core charge (215hp core pumps)
-We will still allow 160hp and 175hp cores for higher stage pumps (allow a partial core credit of $550). Call Black Tie Race Fab to get a quote/ place an order for a higher stage pump.
To clarify what constitutes a "complete and usable" core pump. Complete pump means it has all dv holders, dv's, fuel plate, afc and afc foot, throttle lever, shutoff lever. There is no damage to the cam nose or threads, no holes in governor housings, and no rust/ debris in the fuel galley. Missing and damaged parts will be subject to deduction in core value.
-Complete P7100 Overhaul ~$850
Includes bead blasting, tear-down, cleaning, inspection, new gaskets & seals, reassembly, and calibration. Hard parts are additional.
-Stage 1 Pump
Stock 160/175 hp
180cc to 2400 rpm (stock)
-Stage 2 Pump
160/175 hp
3000 or 4000 rpm kit
maxed and balanced
350cc max to 3500 rpm
-Stage 3 Pump
180 hp
4000 or 5000 rpm kit
035 dv's
maxed and balanced
450cc max to 4000 or 5000 rpm (customer chooses rpm kit)
-Stage 4 Pump
215 hp
5000 rpm kit
035 dv's
maxed and balanced
550-650cc max to 5000 rpm (calibrated to customer specs)
-Stage 5 Pump
Bosch 13mm B&P
factory Bosch quick delivery cam (903 cam)
5000 rpm kit (Auto gov.)
035 dv's
.093" dv holders
maxed and balanced
800cc max to 5000 rpm (calibrated to customer specs)
-Stage 6 Pump
Bosch 13mm B&P
Hamilton V2.5 or V2.75 billet cam
Hamilton tappet springs
5000 rpm kit (Auto gov.)
035 dv's
.093" dv holders
maxed and balanced
850cc max to 5500 rpm (calibrated to customer specs)
-Stage 7 Pump
Bosch 13mm B&P50
Hamilton V2.5 or V2.75 billet cam
Hamilton tappet springs
.093" dv holders
full cut dv's
open rpm ag (RSV) governor
maxed and balanced
1000cc max to 7000 rpm (calibrated to customer specs)